
EU organotin

The EU organotin standard implements Directive 2009/425/EC, which formally begins to restrict the use of specific organotin compounds in consumer products. Directive 2009/425/EC pointed out that since July 1, 2010, the EU has restricted the use of tributyltin and triphenyltin compounds in all consumer products, and the limit requirement is less than 0.1% of the tin content of the commodity. The European Union has imposed strict restrictions and management on organotin compounds. According to the European Union’s “Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals” regulations (REACH), organotin compounds are listed as one of the restricted substances and require strict management, regulation and supervision. The management and control of organotin compounds by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is based on the following points:

1. Pay attention to the hazards of organotin compounds: the European Union has restricted the use of organotin compounds, especially some organotin compounds that have been proven to be highly toxic and environmentally harmful, such as triphenyl Tin, hexamethylbis(bisphenoxy)tin, hexa(tert-butyl)tin and hexa(trimethyloxy)tin, etc.

2. Permanent ban or phase-out of certain organotin compounds: banned by ECHA Or certain organotin compounds have been phased out and their use or export banned within the EU. For example, the use of triphenyltin tetramer as a stabilizer for certain PVC products was banned in 2003.

3. Supervision of import and export: EU Chemicals Regulations (REACH) The export or import of organotin compounds to the EU is strictly controlled, and procedures such as registration, supervision and licensing are required.

In summary, the European Union has passed the management and control of organotin compounds , as much as possible to reduce the harm of organotin compounds to the human body and the environment.
